Monday, November 4, 2013

Mindful Challenge - Day 3

Day 3 mindfulness sitting meditation

Do a 10 minute sitting meditation (if you are experienced or feel you have more time, then sit for longer).
I'm surprised by how anxious this challenge has made me this morning.  Probably because Days 1 and 2 were days off for me - today is a work day.  So my mind is asking me, "TEN minutes???  When am I going to do this?  Before my shower?  Will that throw my morning off?  Should I do it when I get home?  Why am I so resistant - this is what I want to make into a habit, right?  Maybe I should start with 5 minutes?  Or 2?  Or start tomorrow?"

So after minimal procrastination (returning an email and wrestling with the temptation of searching for the perfect app to guide me), I set my timer and sat down in my comfiest chair.  After about 10 seconds, my face relaxed into a peaceful smile as it usually does when I give myself this gift of meditation.  I felt my breath move through my body, particularly relaxing my spine this morning - how nice!  

At one point, my mind drifted back to some upsetting memories, as I redirected to my breath, I was startled by how shallow and quick it had become.  But I was able to get back into my meditative state within a minute and move past it.

I look forward to observing what this great beginning does for me throughout my day.


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